Phase 2
Mid-Court Masters 7-9yo
In Hotshots MID-COURT MASTERS, children learn over 3/4 court. During this stage the pupils are able to develop a complete technical repertoire. The length of the court forces the attacking player to be more accurate and use spin. It allows players to approach the net and develop their net game.
Children will learn to:
Perform a circular swing and a consistent contact point on ground strokes
Perform a rhythmic service motion
Rally with a partner
Change direction on shots
Execute tactics during match play
Understand fair play and demonstrate this when playing
Mid-Court Masters Stage 1, 2 & 3
45min class
3/4 court
Focus in on preparing players to be capable of playing Hotshots Orange Ball league
Takes approximately 1.5 – 2.5yrs to complete all stages depending on the age and ability of your child.